This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement N° 871336  


Objective 1:

To develop a ground-breaking and cost-effective technology for the direct conversion of X-rays into electronic charges by using thick (>500um) semi-conducting hybrid organic inorganic perovskite layers. Two complementary deposition processes, compatible with large area panels, will be implemented

The short-term and low-risk “powder sintering route” to improve the performance and robustness of the current process and upscale it from small area to 20×20 cm prototype detectors (TRL 5).

The medium term “solution-process route” will have to be developed to obtain much higher optoelectronic performances through denser and higher crystallinity perovskite layers compared to powder sintering, and upscaled to 5×5 cm demonstrators (TRL 4),

Objective 2:

To develop direct X-ray imaging detectors based on the hybrid perovskite layers of objective 1, demonstrate breakthrough advances in flat panel detector efficiency and spatial resolution.

Objective 3:

To deliver a high-performance 2D photonic imaging system to improve sensitivity, specificity and accuracy and enhance diagnostics and treatments of cardiovascular diseases (CVD).

More specifically, to validate functional prototypes of perovskite-based X-ray detectors from objective 2 by integrating them in a full-functional cardiac X-ray imaging system, to show enhanced image quality and visibility of small details (moving stents) during interventional CVD treatment.

Objective 4:

To validate the use of perovskite based detectors in a 3D cone beam CT system by taking advantage of the advanced perovskite X-ray detector performance (higher DQE and MTF) to show enhanced image quality for stroke imaging within the interventional suite. More specifically, to validate functional prototypes of perovskite-based X-ray detectors from objective 2 by integrating them in a full-functional CBCT system and show enhanced visibility of vessel occlusions and bleeding in the brain.

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